Thursday, April 1, 2010

In conclusion..

I think this assignment has been a really interesting opportunity to encourage students to engage in and become more comfortable with forms of citizen media. I have found it more useful and interesting to be able to write things and get a response, as well as view and comment on the writings of others in the class, rather than doing an assignment like journals, where only the prof is the one doing the reading and commenting one.

Citizen media is so prevalent, and in my opinion important, especially if one is interested in any sort of media based career. It is important to be engaged and aware of what is going on in the blogosphere, and this class has provided a refreshing hands on way to experience what we are learning about. I have appreciated this class for giving students an opportunity to gain an audience for our opinions in a safe way.

As a final blog for this class, I want to mention some blogs that I personally visit/find interesting. The sites Gawker and Jezebel provide a fascinating mix of pop culture, politics and satire. is a great of hub of all things entertainment wise, whether it be music, television, movies or books. is a great source on feminist perspectives on politics, education and entertainment. For your gossip fix, there is the Canadian gossip blog site, LaineyGossip.

I’ll just give another mention of my final project that will be completed on Monday, a blog I am doing on social media and the government.

Be wary of internet hoaxes today, and good luck with your final assignments and exams!